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6 Great Techniques to Increase Your B2B Sales

So you’ve created a fantastic product, identified your ICP and buyer’s persona, and built a solid sales strategy. But you’re still struggling to generate high-quality B2B leads. What’s missing in your sales strategy?

Well, you’re not alone. 61% of marketers say that generating a healthy pipeline of B2B sales leads is one of their biggest challenges. To overcome this, you must go beyond the generic approach and build an intricate B2B sales strategy.

In this blog post, we’ll help you do just that.

6 Unique Techniques to Boost B2B Sales

Whether you’re an enterprise or an SME, you can use these effective tactics to boost B2B sales and create qualified sales pipeline.

1. Strategic Selling

This B2B sales approach requires you to identify key decision-makers within your target company. Then, you must understand their influence on the buying process, allowing you to build an effective B2B sales pitch script strategically.

Suppose you’re selling a workplace automation solution. Now, the first person you’ll reach out to can be the operations manager who’s focused on improving workplace productivity. Therefore, you must position your brand according to their requirements when proposing the solution. 

Once they are convinced, you might need to set up a meeting with the IT manager, who’ll be the technical buyer. Here, your B2B sales pitch must focus on the technicalities of your solution. When talking to the CEO or the CFO, you need to establish the value proposition of your solution. 

This will help you dig deeper into your target company and create a strategic sales pitch.

2. Social Selling

Social selling is hot right now. Everyone’s looking to ace this B2B sales lead generation technique. It uses social platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, or Meta to connect with new prospects as well as nurture existing ones. Remember, social selling is different from marketing. 

It’s about building strong relationships with prospects instead of broadcasting a marketing message. Neither is it a hard sell. To warm up your prospects to your solution and product, you focus on establishing thought leadership in your industry and engage in meaningful conversations.

Here’s how you can go about your B2B social selling strategy-

  • Look at what prospects are talking about your brand and your product.
  • Evaluate your competitors’ strategies to identify what works for them.
  • Ensure a clear brand positioning for your audience.
  • Keep up with industry trends, new developments, and activities.
  • Use data analysis to evaluate your collected data and create optimized content.
  • Track results to identify which content performs best on which platform.

3. Expert Salespeople

Most people prefer an expert opinion before making important decisions. The same applies to B2B sales.

B2B buyers are more sophisticated individuals and prefer interacting with salespeople who understand their requirements and provide relevant information. Most B2B decision makers loathe sales people who focus only on the product.

Therefore, one of your B2B sales techniques must focus on positioning salespeople as industry experts and spokespeople for your brand. How? By allowing them to create and share valuable content that addresses the objections and pain points of the buyer from unique, relevant angles. You can let them publish their own blogs on the company’s website and encourage them to post them on their LinkedIn profile.

4. Solution Selling

In this B2B sales strategy, you focus more on the prospect’s problems rather than on the product. In other words, help them identify their goals and pain points and suggest solutions to overcome their challenges.

For example, suppose you’re selling a hybrid workplace management solution. Now, you must start by asking open-ended questions to understand the buyer’s pain points such as workforce strength, office size, etc. Then, if they fit your ICP, educate them about your solution, how it will solve their challenges, and why it is better than your competitors.

You can also offer them customized solutions and client testimonials to build trust and close the deal. This makes buyers feel valued and helps you establish strong relationships with them.

5. Account-based Selling

This B2B sales technique is ideal if your target company has multiple (meaning more than 6-7) decision-makers and a lengthy sales cycle. Account-based selling helps you connect with all stakeholders and address their pain points based on where they are in the B2B sales funnel.

This technique requires you to follow four steps-

  • Select target accounts: Identify common traits in your current customers and list similar companies that can benefit from your product.
  • Investigate and identify– Analyze account data and identify key decision-makers, influencers, and common pain points of these companies.
  • Personalized value: Offer customized value propositions to address each stakeholder’s goals and pain points.
  • Outreach: Connect with the stakeholders to secure a meeting to pitch your product.

6. Cold Calling

Contrary to popular belief, B2B cold calling is not dead. It’s still one of the most cost-effective ways to reach more customers. In fact, 57% of C-level decision-makers prefer to be contacted via phone. While you’ll not make a sale on the first call, it’s a great way to familiarize prospects with your product and brand.

Here’s a quick B2B cold calling guide to help you get started-

  • Create a list of prospects who’ll benefit from your product.
  • Use organizational charts to understand the department structure and connect with the right people.
  • Ensure the prospect’s contact information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Create a sales script and personalize it according to different prospects.

Refine Your Strategy to Boost B2B Sales

The B2B sales landscape has evolved. You need to target the right prospect with the right message at the right time via the right channel. But with these simple ways to increase B2B sales, you’ll be able to establish an effective outbound sales strategy and create a healthy sales pipeline.