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Convergence Guide: How to Get Started

Convergence is set to be the biggest trend of 2024. Even with B2B marketing executives anticipating an increase in budget over the next 12 months, marketers cannot afford to go all-out bullish. Marketing sub-functions will need to align and unify.

With the leading marketing sub-functions – ABM and DG converging, marketing will become more optimized and customer-focussed. What will it take for B2B organizations to adopt convergence? How can they ensure their people, process and martech stack is aligned for convergence? Find answers to these and more burning questions on convergence in our latest guide.

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A Sneak Peek of Our Convergence Guide

Align Your 2024 marketing goals to convergence

B2B marketing success in 2024 will mean absolute focus on revenue goals. The time is apt for marketers to become the architects of growth. Divesting from activities, channels and investments that do not lead to revenue will be a critical mandate for the coming year.

Do we go bullish or go cautious to enable convergence

How will spending trends across people, programs and technology look like? Do we hire more resources or spend on robust martech? Understand the capabilities and process structures that need to be developed to fully orchestrate convergence across the customer lifecycle.