Top 10 Benefits of Using AI in Marketing

Improving customer engagement is one of the primary purposes of any B2B marketing strategy. AI-based marketing enriches this process with dynamic capabilities like automation and personalization.

AI in marketing can:

– reduce manual tasks,

– analyze large-scale data,

– and help you build a holistic brand reputation.

Let’s look at the ten benefits and use-cases of AI in marketing.

Infographic - Benefits of Using AI in Marketing

How AI is revolutionizing marketing

1. Create a clear buyer persona

Creating accurate buyer persona or ideal customer profiles is critical for personalized targeting. AI-based analysis tools can help businesses achieve these goals.

For example, you can conduct a competitor analysis through artificial intelligence marketing tools. These tools can help you find out who they’re targeting. You can also use this information to design a better buyer profile.

2. Assists in Lead Nurturing

AI in marketing opens opportunities for SMBs and start-ups that don’t have large teams to perform lead nurturing. These companies can use AI to:

  • carry out precise data analysis,
  • streamline the process,
  • and make the operations efficient.

These can help nurture more accurate leads closer to the buyer persona.

3. Assists Marketers in Data Enrichment

Data collected through AI tools can assist marketers in building brand recognition, leads, and conversion.

AI-assisted tools enable B2B marketers to:

  • Perform predictive analysis
  • Plan scenarios based on the data collected
  • Mark leads that look promising
  • Prioritizing accounts

Remember, data collected by robots is much more accurate than manually-gathered data.

4. Improve Lead Generation

AI can capture precise and dynamic data that humans might usually overlook. AI provides better visibility and data accuracy. Hence, marketers can:

– identify more sales-worthy leads,

– create a better buyer persona,

– and setup lead or account scoring processes

5. Helps Deliver Personalized Experiences

B2B organisations have complex questions from stakeholders with contradicting demands. Therefore, personalization has to niche highly.

B2B marketers can leverage many solutions to:

– understand the potential customers,

– interpret their needs,

– and tailor marketing campaigns for them.

These solutions can help you personalise a user’s experience at scale.

6. Simplifies SEO Strategies

SEO is a marketing approach to increase brand recognition. AI-powered SEO tools can keep your old content fresh and saves marketers a lot of time by sourcing relevant keywords and clusters.

AI tools can also pitch new ideas for content creation. Moreover, they can help you identify trending topics, frame keyword strategies, etc. It can help you uncover any competitive gaps in your digital marketing strategies.

7. Helps Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategies

Most B2B digital marketing campaigns rely on posting guest blogs to build backlinks. The more qualitative the guest post is, the better the domain authority.

As we discussed earlier, B2B marketing needs more reputation building, and AI toolkits can significantly help.

AI-empowered toolkits cut out the manual processes required to get these backlinks. They are more effective and enable fast acquisition of niche backlinks.

Many people use digital assistants like Alexa and Siri to browse the internet. AI-based digital assistants are becoming more intuitive to users’ browsing habits and preferences. As a result, more businesses are using AI’s to optimize their website for voice search.

9. Optimizes Website/App Performance

AI marketing tools can assist in simplifying complex data into actionable insights. It can immediately notify marketers about sudden shifts in their web performance.

AI tools can also send real-time alerts with relevant data about your website/app’s performance. Marketers can then tweak their strategies accordingly to better their performance.

10. Increases Customer Engagement

AI helps you drive maximum customer engagement by ensuring you post your content at the best time.

For instance, If you’re sending marketing emails, do it in the morning so that it is the first thing customers see when they open their inbox.

These timings may differ based on your industry niche and other demographics. AI monitors your website data and user behavior to pinpoint optimal publishing time.

Why you should adopt AI in marketing

AI in B2B marketing is very different from B2C. It requires a more nuanced approach for marketers. However, you risk losing the competitive edge if you don’t plan to adopt it soon.

As we discussed, B2B marketing is less about selling your products and more about creating a brand identity. And AI can assist you in building a long-term impression that will eventually get you more conversions.